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비즈니스 트렌드(BUSINESS Trend)/공장자동화(IoT)

Make Your Own Wearable Activity Tracker with a 3D Printed Case

by 테크한스 2015. 1. 25.

A group of Korean developers have uploaded an Arduino-based fitness tracker in a 3D printed case to Instructables that you can connect to your phone via Bluetooth.

The Activity Tracker Instructable is the second wearable Arduino project in a series for Korean maker-collective HardCopy World. They uploaded the how to guide via Instructables user GodsTale, their first project was a DIY Arduino smart watch. They call the monitor the “RetroBand”, and I’m assuming that its meaning is lost in translation.

3d printed activity tracker wrist

The RetroBand is built with an Arduino Pro mini 3.3v microcontroller board connected to an accelerometer and 3-axis gyroscope module. This will keep track of your movements and all of the calories that you burn, and subsequently transfer the data to your smartphone. You control the activity tracker with an app that you can install on your Android smartphone and a wireless bluetooth transceiver will connect the monitor to the app.

3d printed activity moniter band

The HardCopy World team decided to contain all of the activity monitors electronics inside of a 3D printed wristband. It’s not the best looking band, so it’s probably a good thing that they neglected to include the files with their Instructable. But it does give you an opportunity to 3D print your own, hopefully more stylish, band. You could even change the design and make it an armband, or a device that fits on your belt.

The Instructable may be a little hard to follow as it’s translated from Korean into English, but there is more than enough material there for someone who has previously assembled electronics to understand. And the guide has plenty of links to places to purchase all of the components that you’ll need.

You can read through the Instructable here, or see the original entry over on HardCopy World here, the site is in Korean, but any decent web browser should translate that for you.
