모바일개발(Mobile Dev)/IOS개발(ObjectC)109 About basic usage with objective-c written by http://printf.egloos.com/v/1920481 1.메소드의 호출 2.접근자 3.오브젝트의 생성 4.기본 메모리 관리법 5.클래스 Interface (.h) 6.클래스 Implementation (.m) 7.메모리 관리법 좀더 살펴보기 8.로깅 9.프로퍼티 10.Nil 오브젝트의 메소드 호출 11.카테고리 1.메소드의 호출 +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ ■ 기본 문법 [object method]; [object methodWithInput:input]; 다른 언어에서 말하는 오브젝트명.메소드명 이 여기서는 [오브젝트 메소드] 괄호에 둘러쌓여있고 스페이스로 구분하는 형식이 된다.파라메터를 가지는 경우에는 [오브젝트 메소드:파라매터] 로 불린다. .. 2017. 10. 25. how to use file in android assets link : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30888783/key-p12-open-failed-enoent-no-such-file-or-directory Using AssetManager AssetManager am = getAssets(); InputStream inputStream = am.open("xxxxxxxxxxKey.p12"); File file = createFileFromInputStream(inputStream);As a raw resource , put the file in raw folder inside res directory InputStream ins = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.keyfile); Fil.. 2017. 9. 2. How to make itunes app url link address http://itunes.apple.com/linkmaker/ written by http://stackoverflow.com/questions/433907/how-to-link-to-apps-on-the-app-store up vote400down votefavorite294I am creating a free version of my iPhone game. I want to have a button inside the free version that takes people to the paid version in the app store. If I use a standard linkhttp://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=3.. 2016. 1. 23. UILocalNotification written by https://www.hackingwithswift.com/read/21/2/scheduling-notifications-uilocalnotificationScheduling notifications: UILocalNotificationOpen Main.storyboard in Interface Builder and place two buttons, one above the other. The first should have the title "Register Local" and the second the title "Schedule Local". Add whatever constraints you think sensible, but ideally make them centered h.. 2016. 1. 18. ABOUT startStepCountingUpdatesToQueue - (void)startStepCountingUpdatesToQueue:(NSOperationQueue *)queue updateOn:(NSInteger)stepCounts withHandler:(CMStepUpdateHandler)handler Description Starts the delivery of current step-counting data to your app. This method initiates tracking of the user’s steps and calls the provided block periodically to deliver the results. When you call this method, the step counter resets the current step .. 2016. 1. 8. navigation bar disappeared in storyboard written by http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16287963/navigation-bar-disappeared-from-my-storyboard-items 16down votefavorite3From one day to another the navigation bar disappeared from my storyboard items in XCode 4.6.2. I can't restore them (cleaning, rebuilding, closing, reopening etc)When running my app on my device or in simulator, everything works ok, the navigation bar is there. But I ne.. 2016. 1. 6. Background Mode written by http://www.raywenderlich.com/92428/background-modes-ios-swift-tutorial Update note: This tutorial was updated to iOS 8 and Swift by Ray Fix. Original post by Gustavo Ambrozio.Since the ancient days of iOS 4, you can design your apps to stay suspended in memory when users push the home button. Even though the app is in memory, its operations are paused until the user starts it again. O.. 2015. 12. 30. The identity used to sign the executable is no longer valid at Xcode The identity used to sign the executable is no longer valid at Xcodeup vote0down votefavorite1I tried to run the program on my device and I got that error The identity used to sign the executable is no longer valid. I have tried all discussions provided in this link. All didn't work for me. I deleted all developer certificates and get new certificate from Apple and put it into the keychain. Then.. 2015. 12. 30. UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification UIApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification When the app becomes active again, i listen to the willEnterForegroundNotification and then i create a new timer object, which starts to refresh my data. Works fine most of the time, but sometimes it seems, that the willEnterForegroundNotification does not get send and so my new timer never gets started. But its hard for me to test that, because it works 95% of the time. Have you guys ever had s.. 2015. 12. 27. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 13 다음