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모바일개발(Mobile Dev)/IOS개발(ObjectC)

ABOUT startStepCountingUpdatesToQueue

by 테크한스 2016. 1. 8.

- (void)startStepCountingUpdatesToQueue:(NSOperationQueue *)queue updateOn:(NSInteger)stepCounts withHandler:(CMStepUpdateHandler)handler


Starts the delivery of current step-counting data to your app.

This method initiates tracking of the user’s steps and calls the provided block periodically to deliver the results. When you call this method, the step counter resets the current step count value to 0 and begins counting. Each time the step counter records the number of steps in the stepCounts parameter, it executes the specified handler block. For example, if stepCounts is 100, it would send updates at 100 steps, 200 steps, 300 steps, and so on. The number of steps reported to your handler is always the total number of steps since you called this method.

The handler block is executed on a best effort basis each time the step count threshold is exceeded. If your app is suspended when the threshold is exceeded, the block is not executed. When your app resumes, the block is not executed until the threshold is exceeded again.

To stop the delivery of step-counting updates, call the stopStepCountingUpdates method. Updates also stop when the step counter object itself is deallocated.



The operation queue on which to execute the specified handler block. You can specify a custom queue or use the operation queue associated with your app’s main thread. This parameter must not be nil.


The number of steps to record before executing the handler block. The number of steps must be greater than 0.


The block to execute when the number of steps has been reached or exceeded. For information about the parameters of this block, see CMStepUpdateHandler. This property must not be nil.


iOS (7.0 and later)

Declared In



CMStepCounter Class Reference
