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비즈니스 트렌드(BUSINESS Trend)/모바일앱(App)8

startup envicase story 모든 스타트업들은 만들어 나가는 과정에서의 스토리도 중요하다All start-up are also important in the story of the making process written by http://stock.hankyung.com/news/app/newsview.php?aid=2016060984686 스타트업 현·장 이야기엔비케이스(envy+case) ① 애플이 보낸 이메일…"당신들을 만나고 싶다"입력 2016-06-10 09:24:56 | 수정 2016-06-10 09:26:59'벤처(venture)'는 '모험'이라는 말이다. 벤처기업은 모험의 바다로 가는 배다. 셰익스피어의 작품 '베니스의 상인' 1막 1장에도 '벤처'라는 말이 여러 번 나온다. 여기서 벤처는 '배에 실은 물건'을 뜻하.. 2016. 6. 11.
카카오톡 창업스토리 written by http://m.ilyoseoul.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=87675 - 가입자 수 1억 명…‘국민 메신저’로 우뚝 서다한국경제가 짧은 시간 안에 고도성장을 할 수 있었던 것은 기업과 사람이 있었기에 가능했다. 특히 이들 기업가들은 독특한 경영이론과 기법들을 창안했으며 한국의 기업풍토에 적합한 비즈니스 모델과 경영이론들을 선보이기 시작했다. 삼성을 창업한 이병철은 인재제일주의를, 현대의 정주영은 생산의 혁신을, LG의 구인회는 인화모델을 각각 창안해 냈다. 현재 대한민국이 경제 강국으로 부상할 수 있었던 원동력은 이들 1세대 창업자들의 도전과 혁신적인 창업정신이 아니었으면 불가능했을지도 모른다. [일요서울]은 한국 경제의 한 획을 긋고 있는 기업들의.. 2016. 4. 3.
iOS App JiveRun For Health, Workout, Fitness * IntroductionServices jiverun is a Running app. For health and vitality of the life anytime and anywhere with your phone , you can easily and comfortably enjoy their workout. It offers a variety of exercise types and real-time sports information recording offers a variety of interesting features for a wide range of services ( water , weight , moisture , etc.) , and this plan will be provided wi.. 2016. 1. 31.
Learn iOS Game Development By Example: 10 Projects to Get You Started written by http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/learn-ios-game-development-by-example-10-projects-to-get-you-started--mobile-6233 Learn iOS Game Development By Example: 10 Projects to Get You Startedby William Herring20 Jun 201116 Comments14514Interested in mobile game development? This list of 10 open-source, iOS game projects available on GitHub will help get you started! The projects compiled i.. 2015. 11. 1.
10 Best Running Apps Google Drive for Work전화, 태블릿 및 노트북에서 무제한 온라인 스토리지에 액세스하세요.google.com/apps/driveConfirm {"uid":2,"hostPeerName":"http://www.tomsguide.com","initialGeometry":"{\"windowCoords_t\":22,\"windowCoords_r\":212,\"windowCoords_b\":1008,\"windowCoords_l\":1413,\"frameCoords_t\":1739.8125,\"frameCoords_r\":865.5,\"frameCoords_b\":1924.8125,\"frameCoords_l\":237.5,\"styleZIndex\":\"auto\",\"allowedExpansion.. 2015. 10. 24.
How to build a game like Flappy Bird with Xcode and SpriteKit How to build a game like Flappy Bird with Xcode and SpriteKitBy mattOn 2/10/2014In Game Development,Software EngineeringWith 93 CommentsPermalinkUpdate Feb. 20th: I added the score counting part and included suggestions by readers Sascha and Nico. Updated code is pushed to GitHub. Update Feb. 27th: Fixed a small glitch in the tutorial that DylanYasen pointed out, thanks! (No code change.) Update.. 2015. 9. 23.
Developer Behind “Flappy Bird,” The Impossible Game Blowing Up The App Store, Says He Just Got Lucky Developer Behind “Flappy Bird,” The Impossible Game Blowing Up The App Store, Says He Just Got Lucky Flappy Bird, a game you can barely play for more than a few seconds without throwing your phone across the room in frustration, is dominating the App Store and Google Play.In an App Store first, an indie game developer from Hanoi, Vietnam, Nguyen Ha Dong, has 3 apps in the top 10 rankings right n.. 2015. 9. 19.
Report: Google Play’s App Store And Developer Community Grew Faster Than Apple’s In 2014 According to a new report out this morning from appFigures, the Google Play mobile application market surpassed Apple for the number of new apps for the first time in 2014, and its developer community growth also exceeded Apple’s for the third year in a row, now distributing apps from 388,000 different developers. Much of that growth took place in the latter half of the year, the report notes, c.. 2015. 1. 14.