분류 전체보기288 android session mgmt written by http://www.androidhive.info/2012/08/android-session-management-using-shared-preferences/ InitializationApplication shared preferences can be fetched using getSharedPreferences() method.You also need an editor to edit and save the changes in shared preferences. The following code can be used to get application shared preferences.SharedPreferences pref = getApplicationContext().getShare.. 2016. 8. 13. ListView SimpleAdapter MainActivity.javapackage com.example.listview_dynamic_test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import android.os.Bundle; import android.app.Activity; import android.view.Menu; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.SimpleAdapter; public class MainActivity extends Activity { ListView listView;@Override protected void onCreate(B.. 2016. 8. 13. SharedPreferences Usage For Saving written by http://www.tutorialspoint.com/android/android_shared_preferences.htm Android provides many ways of storing data of an application. One of this way is called Shared Preferences. Shared Preferences allow you to save and retrieve data in the form of key,value pair.In order to use shared preferences , you have to call a method getSharedPreferences() that returns a SharedPreference instanc.. 2016. 8. 7. how to make material design navigation drawer with header view android written by http://www.android4devs.com/2015/06/navigation-view-material-design-support.html Navigation View - Material Design Support Library Tutorial 04:02 Android Design , Android Libraries , Design Support Library , Material Design ,Tutorial 114 CommentsFew days back Google announced Material Design Support Library in their Google IO 2015, and today we are going to take a look at one of the c.. 2016. 8. 7. android v4 v7 written by http://sunphiz.me/wp/archives/tag/%EC%84%9C%ED%8F%AC%ED%8A%B8-%EB%9D%BC%EC%9D%B4%EB%B8%8C%EB%9F%AC%EB%A6%ACAndroid Support Repository & LibraryAndroid SDK Manager에 보면, Extra 밑에Android Support RepositoryAndroid Support Library가 있다. 둘의 차이를 간단히 설명하면 다음과 같다.Android Support Repository는 메이븐 리파지토리를 이용해 라이브러리를 관리하는 안드로이드 스투디오의 그래들(Gradle)을 위한 라이브러리로, 설치하면 SDK 폴더 아래에 ‘extras/android/m2reposito.. 2016. 8. 6. android studio + nox (offline) 1.set root ON in nox app player in Nox app setting (System Setting) in General Tab. 2.goto nox android setting (not nox app setting) then About Phone/Tablet then tap 7 times on build Number until you see a message shows "you are developer." 3.Go back to setting then go to develepoer option and activate it then set usb debugging ON. 4.get intellij working port in resource mointor/network tab/list.. 2016. 7. 26. making jar file on android studio written by [Android][Gradle] Jar file 생성Gradle Build로 JAR 파일 만들기 1. 환경 Device : Macbook Pro OS : OSX v10.11.1 IDE : Android Studio v1.4.1 2. 문제 eclipse에서 jar파일은 마우스로 클릭 몇번이면 export가 가능하다. Android studio는 Gradle을 이용하여 생성한다. - Jar 파일을 생성할 수 있는 빌드 방법을 모른다. 3. 참고 자료 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1i4I-Nph-Cw 4. 문제 해결 1. plugin 변경 - apply plugin: 'com.android.application' -> apply plugin: 'com.and.. 2016. 7. 24. 재벌 NAVER 연구 벤처에서 시작했다지만 과연 네이버는 벤처와의 상생을 원하는 것일까? 상생을 위해 발벗고 나서고 있는가? 그저 지금의 안주를 한고 있는가? 서로의 윈윈을 원하고 있는가? 도네이션과 헌신의 의미를 대입할 수 있는가? 가진자와 가지지 못한자는 백지 한장 차이에서 시작한다...... written by http://biz.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2013/07/11/2013071100215.html?Dep0=twitter [온라인 문어발 재벌 NAVER] [1] 무차별 사업 확장 맛집소개·부동산·만화·쇼핑… 온라인 골목상권 초토화 시켜 -마구잡이式 확장… '벤처 킬러' 메뉴판닷컴·메모장앱 히트치자 비슷하게 모방… 시장 1위 접수 -검색 독과점이 무기 네이버, 自社 서비스 상위 노출….. 2016. 7. 17. android studio + nox Tutorial How to connect Android Studio with Nox App Player for Android development and debug Nox App Player • February 17, 2016 Nox App Player is a full feature Android emulator which could be used for Android development, testing and debugging. This post will give a step by step guidance on how to connect Nox with Android Studio as an example. It could also be connected to intellij idea and ecl.. 2016. 7. 13. 이전 1 ··· 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ··· 32 다음