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Learn iOS Game Development By Example: 10 Projects to Get You Started written by http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/learn-ios-game-development-by-example-10-projects-to-get-you-started--mobile-6233 Learn iOS Game Development By Example: 10 Projects to Get You Startedby William Herring20 Jun 201116 Comments14514Interested in mobile game development? This list of 10 open-source, iOS game projects available on GitHub will help get you started! The projects compiled i.. 2015. 11. 1.
10 Best Running Apps Google Drive for Work전화, 태블릿 및 노트북에서 무제한 온라인 스토리지에 액세스하세요.google.com/apps/driveConfirm {"uid":2,"hostPeerName":"http://www.tomsguide.com","initialGeometry":"{\"windowCoords_t\":22,\"windowCoords_r\":212,\"windowCoords_b\":1008,\"windowCoords_l\":1413,\"frameCoords_t\":1739.8125,\"frameCoords_r\":865.5,\"frameCoords_b\":1924.8125,\"frameCoords_l\":237.5,\"styleZIndex\":\"auto\",\"allowedExpansion.. 2015. 10. 24.
Unwind Segues in iOS Storyboards written by http://spin.atomicobject.com/2014/10/25/ios-unwind-segues/ BY: MIKE WOELMERI am a Senior Software consultant at Atomic Object working lately on iOS.POSTED INDeveloper ToolsOctober 25, 2014by: Mike Woelmer16 CommentsUnwind Segues in iOS StoryboardsIntroduced in 2012 with iOS 6, Unwind Segues give you a way to “unwind” the navigation stack and specify a destination to go back to. The fi.. 2015. 10. 10.
The official raywenderlich.com Objective-C style guide. written by : https://github.com/raywenderlich/objective-c-style-guide The official raywenderlich.com Objective-C style guide.This style guide outlines the coding conventions for raywenderlich.com.IntroductionThe reason we made this style guide was so that we could keep the code in our books, tutorials, and starter kits nice and consistent - even though we have many different authors working on t.. 2015. 10. 2.
xcode @property self variable null 0down votefavoriteI have two Objective-C classes that communicate data with each other by passing variables through method parameters. For example I might call a method that will pass a variable:ClassX *x = [[ClassX alloc] init]; [x passThisParameter:i];The variable is successfully received by ClassX inside of the passThisParameter method. I can confirm this with breakpoints and log output:- (vo.. 2015. 10. 2.
Xcode 정리 출처 : http://m.blog.naver.com/zparkx/100809974 오브잭티브-씨 래퍼런스 가이드 메모 정리 오브잭티브는 OOP. 즉 객채 지향중심으로 프로그래밍을 합니다. C++에서 클래스의 내부 변수는 맴버변수라고 하지만 오브잭티브에서는 인스턴스 변수라고 합니다.이것은 객채지향적 표현으로 프로티지(소유자, 혹은 재산) 라고 한다는점을 기역해둡시다.C++에서 클래스의 맴버함수는 오브잭티브에서는 메소드(method)라고 부릅니다.(의미는 다른분야에도 사용되니 기역해둡시다)보통 인스턴스 변수는 해당 객체의 액서스 메소드를 이용하여 접근합니다.즉, get 함수와 put함수를 사용하게 되는데 보통 get 함수는 해당 인스턴스 변수와 같은 이름으로 합니다. 예> @interface 클래스이름 : .. 2015. 10. 2.
Encapsulating Data written by : https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ProgrammingWithObjectiveC/EncapsulatingData/EncapsulatingData.htmlEncapsulating DataIn addition to the messaging behavior covered in the previous chapter, an object also encapsulates data through its properties.This chapter describes the Objective-C syntax used to declare properties for an object and explains how.. 2015. 10. 2.
How to deal with a Data Flow between Controller1 and Controller2 by : stackoverflow There are various ways by which a data can be received to a different class in iOS. For example -Direct initialization after the allocation of another class.Delegation - for passing data backNotification - for broadcasting data to multiple classes at a single timeSaving in NSUserDefaults - for accessing it laterSingleton classesDatabases and other storage mechanisms like plist.. 2015. 10. 1.
xcode 에서 private, project 형태 출처 : http://liimix.tistory.com/entry/xcode-%EC%97%90%EC%84%9C-private-project-%ED%98%95%ED%83%9C-%EB%82%98%ED%83%80%EB%82%B4%EA%B8%B0 objective-C 에서 private 이 있으며 사용법은 다음과 같다. @interface testClass : NSObject { @private @public @protected } @end ======================================== old... 다른사람들과 함께 프로젝트를 진행하거나라이브러리 작업을 하게 되면외부에 공개되지 말아야 할 것들이 꼭 있다.C++ 에서는 class 내부에 private 과 protected 가 그 역할을.. 2015. 9. 30.