분류 전체보기288 Facebook Login in iOS App written by http://www.appcoda.com/ios-programming-facebook-login-sdk/ How to Integrate Facebook Login in iOS Appmay 19, 2014 by gabriel theodoropoulos 50 commentsIntegrating Facebook features into an app is nowadays a quite common task, and one of the most important steps in the integration process is the login functionality implementation. Logging in with Facebook not only allows you to attach .. 2015. 12. 6. Rename a Project in Xcode written by http://matthewfecher.com/app-developement/xcode-tips-the-best-way-to-change-a-project-name-in-xcode/ iOS Dev Tip: The Best Way to Rename a Project in Xcode By Matthew Fecher, August 2013If you’re coming from another developing environment, you maybe surprised to see that Xcode has no “Save As” menu option. So then, what’s the preferred way to rename your project and dependent files?Th.. 2015. 12. 6. Implementing Pull-to-Refresh in xcode written by http://www.appcoda.com/pull-to-refresh-uitableview-empty/ iOS Programming 101: Implementing Pull-to-Refresh and Handling Empty Tablejuly 11, 2014 by simon ng 23 commentsIn this iOS Programming 101 post, I would like to answer two common questions raised by our readers.I follow your table view tutorial to create my first app. The tutorial is great. It shows us how to display data in th.. 2015. 11. 30. 다중 도메인 주소를 하나의 호스팅에서 멀티 포워딩 운영 다중 도메인 주소를 하나의 호스팅에서 멀티 포워딩 운영 현재 미리내에서는 도메인을 추가로 포워딩하면 html폴더 안에 index로 포워딩이 되게 설정됩니다.때문에 도메인을 추가포워딩했을때에 같은페이지가 뜨는데각각의 도메인에 따로 다른 페이지가 뜨게끔 설정해 주는 방법 입니다. 우선 위 소스로 index.php 를 만들어 줍니다. 그리고 도메인1으로 접속하였을때 엑세스하는 문서 인덱스1으로 지정해 주고 도메인2로 접속하였을때 엑세스하는 문서를 인덱스2로 지정해 주시면 됩니다. 예를 들어 a.com으로 접속하였을때 index1.html 의 화면이 보이고자 하고 b.com로 접속하였을때 index2.html 의 화면이 보이고자 할때는 위와같이 작성해 주시면 됩니다. a.com 과 b.com 은 같은 호스팅에 .. 2015. 11. 30. Customizing Navigation Bar written by http://www.appcoda.com/customize-navigation-status-bar-ios-7/ Customizing Navigation Bar and Status Bar in iOS 7october 4, 2013 by simon ng 55 commentsLike many of you, I have been very busy upgrading my apps to make them fit for iOS 7. The latest version of iOS introduces lots of visual changes. From a developer’s perspective, the navigation bar and status bar are two noticeable chan.. 2015. 11. 29. IOS image file path In iOS 8, Te file system layout of app containers has changed. Applications and their content are no longer stored in one root directory.From the iOS 8 Release Notes:The file system layout of app containers has changed on disk. Rather than relying on hard-coded directory structure, use the NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains function or theURLForDirectory:inDomain:appropriateForURL:create:error:.. 2015. 11. 28. php prepare stmt json type call php prepare stmt json type callfunction getComments($inPostID=null) { $commentArray = array(); $tempArray = array(); if (!empty($inPostID)) { //echo " Get comments for the post with the postID of ". $inPostID; $stmt = db::connect()->prepare("SELECT * FROM Comments WHERE postID = ? ORDER BY commentDate DESC"); $stmt->bind_param('i', $inPostID); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($commentID, $po.. 2015. 11. 28. How To Make an iPhone App Connect to a MySQL Database written by http://codewithchris.com/iphone-app-connect-to-mysql-database/ How To Make an iPhone App Connect to a MySQL Database MARCH 7, 2014 CREATE APPS USING MYSQL AND WORDPRESSThis is Chapter 2 of 5 This article is the second chapter of my guide on Building Apps With MySQL and WordPress.This guide shows you how to make three different MySQL/Wordpress powered apps that all leverage the benefit.. 2015. 11. 27. Getting Data From Web Services in JSON Format Written by http://mobilesiri.com/fetch-parse-json-data-ios-development/ Getting Data From Web Services in JSON FormatIn Previous Tutorials, Tutorial 4 and in Tutorial 5 When we need data we created out local NSArray and accessed it. But mostly in real life application your data would be on some server and you would access it through web service it can be JSON,SOAP or XML. So, now we will do a li.. 2015. 11. 27. 이전 1 ··· 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ··· 32 다음