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textfields Readonly This would be the simplest of all , when you multiple textfields too:in viewDidLoad:(set the delegate only for textfields which should not be editable.self.textfield.delegate=self;and insert this delegate function:- (BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField{ return NO; }Thats it! 2015. 12. 15.
ABOUT UIBarButtonItems Create outlet for UINavigationItemand UIBarButtonItems Run following code to remove [self.navItem setRightBarButtonItem:nil]; [self.navItem setLeftBarButtonItem:nil]; Run following codes to add buttons again [self.navItem setRightBarButtonItem:deleteItem]; [self.navItem setLeftBarButtonItem:addItem]; For Hiding:[self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem setEnabled:NO];[self.navigationItem.rightBarB.. 2015. 12. 15.
Failed to allocate data stores for 854269899 rows in section 0. Consider using fewer rows" Failed to allocate data stores for 854269899 rows in section 0. Consider using fewer rows" in my case , when i use multiple pickerview(not datepickerview) e.g 3 pickerview i need to re-assign tag value in attribute inspectror e.g pickerview 1 - tag value : 1 (not 0) pickerview 2 tag value : 2 (not 0) pickerview 3 tag value : 3 (not 0) 2015. 12. 15.
couldn't use prepareForSegue to send some viewcontroller with navigation controller to send some viewcontroller with navigation controller,you can not send with DetailViewController2 *destViewController = segue.destinationViewController (X) -(void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender { if ([[segue identifier] isEqualToString:@"ShowDetails"]) { // [segue returns a UINavigationController and the controller you // want is embedded in the navigation controll.. 2015. 12. 14.
How to Submit Your App How to Submit Your App to Apple: From No Account to App Store, Part 2 Gustavo Ambrozio on January 30, 2012This is a blog post by iOS Tutorial Team member Gustavo Ambrozio, a software engineer with over 20 years experience, including over three years of iOS experience. He is the founder of CodeCrop Software. You can also find him on Google+.Learn how to get your app all the way to the App Store!S.. 2015. 12. 14.
splash screen for all types of iPhones in XCode 6.1? 18down votefavorite12I need to create and app which will run on iPhone 4S, 5,5S, 6, 6+ and the depoloyment target will be iOS 7.1. I saw Apple introduced LauchScreens.xib for creating the launch screen (Splash Screen) and also there is an Image Assets in which I can provide the Launch Images screens. See image below:So my questions is how can I use the splash screen for all the iPhones? Or I sho.. 2015. 12. 13.
background thread in iOS written by http://pinkstone.co.uk/how-to-execute-a-method-on-a-background-thread-in-ios/ How to execute a method on a background thread in iOSApril 12, 2014Grand Central Dispatch, NSThreadJay VersluisTo call something from a background thread we can use dispatch_async.This cryptic looking statement will throw something to a background thread while the main thread can deal with other functions. T.. 2015. 12. 12.
How to clear UIWebView cache written by http://nscookbook.com/2013/03/ios-programming-recipe-16-populating-a-uitableview-with-data-from-the-web/ I need to show a UIWebView that opens a local html, fetching from a remote server. Each time, the UIWebView shows incorrect data, because the iOS caching system.I did many attempts to solve this problem, but it does not work:1) Programmatically add UIWebView when the UIViewControll.. 2015. 12. 12.
How do I clear the data in a plist created in XCode? - (BOOL)removeItemAtPath:(NSString *)path error:(NSError **)error Description Removes the file or directory at the specified path. Prior to removing each item, the file manager asks its delegate if it should actually do so. It does this by calling the fileManager:shouldRemoveItemAtURL: method; if that method is not implemented (or the process is running in OS X 10.5 or earlier) it calls the file.. 2015. 12. 12.