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모바일개발(Mobile Dev)187

Strategies for Handling App State Transitions written by https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide/StrategiesforHandlingAppStateTransitions/StrategiesforHandlingAppStateTransitions.html Strategies for Handling App State TransitionsFor each of the possible runtime states of an app, the system has different expectations while your app is in that state. When state transitions occur, the sy.. 2015. 12. 27.
difference between viewWillAppear viewDidAppear written by http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5630649/what-is-the-difference-between-viewwillappear-and-viewdidappear 90down votefavorite70What is the difference between -[UIViewController viewWillAppear:] and -[UIViewController viewDidAppear:]?iphone iosshareimprove this questionedited Jan 4 '13 at 7:31animuson♦29.4k2077114asked Apr 12 '11 at 5:07PJR8,254942831 thanks BoltClock, but please give.. 2015. 12. 27.
returning from background written by http://www.codingexplorer.com/updating-an-app-when-returning-from-background-in-ios/ Updating an app when returning from background in iOSJanuary 7, 2014I am working on an app that needs to update the UI based on the current date when it is loaded. I told it to do the update in my viewWillAppear, but about half the time it would not update when I loaded the program. Shouldn’t viewWill.. 2015. 12. 27.
Auto Layout Tutorial written by http://www.raywenderlich.com/50317/beginning-auto-layout-tutorial-in-ios-7-part-1 Beginning Auto Layout Tutorial in iOS 7: Part 1 Matthijs Hollemans on October 16, 2013Note from Ray: Tutorial Team member Matthijs Hollemans (the iOS Apprentice Series author) has ported this tutorial to iOS 7 as part of the iOS 7 feast. We hope you enjoy!Have you ever been frustrated trying to make your.. 2015. 12. 22.
For foreigner about taxinfo in itunesconnect / * 아래 작성에 대한 설명 (explanation below)5, 6, 7번 작성 할필요 없습니다. (nothing to do)8번 , 생일 입력 (input birthdate)9번 check 10번 "income from the sale of applications" 선택 select part3 , check 2015. 12. 22.
[ERROR]whose view is not in the window hierarchy modal 8down voteProbably, like me, you have a wrong root viewControllerI want to display a ViewController in a non-UIViewController context,So I can't use such code:[self presentViewController:]So, I get a UIViewController:[[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] window] rootViewController]For some reason (logical bug), the rootViewController is something other than expected (a normal UIViewCont.. 2015. 12. 19.
Using Unwind Segues Technical Note TN2298Using Unwind SeguesThis document provides an overview of unwind segues.IntroductionCreating an Unwind SegueAdding an Unwind Segue to a StoryboardThe Unwind ProcessHow an Unwind Segue Determines its Destination View ControllerResponsibilities for Container View ControllersSelecting a Child View Controller to Handle An Unwind ActionTransitioning Between Two Child View Controll.. 2015. 12. 19.
Introduction to Auto Layout written by http://www.appcoda.com/introduction-auto-layout/ july 27, 2014 by ziad tamim 45 commentsEditor’s note: If you’ve downloaded theXcode 6 beta and played around with it, one thing you may notice is the change of Interface Builder. The default view controller is now wider and doesn’t look like an iPhone 5. When you position a button in the center of the view and run the app, it doesn’t lo.. 2015. 12. 16.
아이폰6, 아이폰6+의 해상도 written by http://www.bluejini.net/archives/634 [잡솔] 아이폰6, 아이폰6+의 해상도 2015.11.17 수정. 2편 [잡솔] 아이폰6, 아이폰6+의 해상도 2편 (디자이너의 작업) 을 새로 등록했습니다. 아래의 글이 어려우시면 2편을 참고하시기 바랍니다. 커뮤니티들에서 기획자와 디자이너들을 포함하여 개발자들이 해상도 때문에 괴로워하는 모습을 보게 되었습니다. 물론 기본적인 문제는 기기와 해상도가 늘어남에 따른 검수 작업 증가지만 그보다는 어떻게 작업해야 하는지를 몰라서 멘붕에 빠진 모습이 더 자주 보였습니다. 그래서 관련 포스팅을 한 번 해보려 합니다.한줄 정리 : 알고 보면 간단하다.기존보다 맞춰야 할 해상도는 많아졌지만 어차피 제일 큰 사이즈로 작업 후 리사이.. 2015. 12. 16.